Starship Hospital Decant Offices
Te Toka Tumai - (ADHB)
Starship Hospital, Auckland
144 sqm
86m x 3m
Project Overview
Our team was brought in by Te Toka Tumai to provide an infrastructure solution to relocate their administration space at Starship during a period of refurbishment. Through our expertise in modular construction, we seamlessly joined eight 6m x 3m buildings to create a 24-metre-long admin wing, best utilising the available area outside the main hospital block. The admin wing provides a harmonious blend of functionality to the compact site, with a professional aesthetic appeal. Distinct office, meeting and storage were created spaces with a customised fitout that includes an internal corridor joining offices together.
The buildings were manufactured and assembled at our production warehouse to be delivered to site fully assembled. Due to the build and overlapping trades being able to work ahead of the site preparation, the overall build program was maintained to meet the timelines of the main job being the Internal refurbishment. We were able to keep any disruption to the vital emergency access roadway to a minimum with an onsite four day working period including all eight buildings being craned into place over two days and joined together using our specially developed joining kits over another two days.
Portable buildings solutions provide an excellent scalable and reconfigurable option for hospital infrastructure projects that will add valuable, flexible assets to the organisation for years to come across purposes such as administration space or support infrastructure development to further refurbishment projects.